
Friday, March 13, 2020


It all started when i was sitting on the couch and watching TV  with my little cousin and all i heard from him was i'm bored and then we went outside and played on the tramp.

 Then he said he is bored again so we went back inside and started drawing and he said he was board and it got to the point that i was annoyed and i told him if your board what do you want to do and he said i want to play game and i said go then and that was the end of him.


There  all the pencils came out and when it fell I jumped up out of my seat and ran cause i thought it was a bomb Then when my friends came out they said it was only the pencil jar and they started laughing and they made me laugh as well.

So we  went back in the class and the pencil jar was on the floor and the class was falling over the pencils so when the teacher came in she said what happened to my class and we said the pencil jar fell and she screamed  and picked it up.