
Friday, June 26, 2020

Story about Time Zone

Today we were reading a story called Time zones.

so there was a story  about was the little boy called Carlo asking the older brother to call mum but he could not cause they don't want to wake there mum up from her sleep and the reason Carlo wanted to phone mum is that he missed her so much cause and then Carlo started laughing and said mum is not silly to sleep at lunchtime she's at work not at home you dummy that's what Carlo said and then his older brother said it is not lunchtime in Italy it is the middle of the night and Carlo was confused and the reason why Carlo and his older brother's mum was not there it was because the mum had to go to her cousins wedding and when she left Carlo was only eight years old and his older brother was ten when there mum left to Italy and they studded back at home with there dad.
Source:S.J Time Zone may 2016.

What my next steps are is to read the article for more ideas for my writing.

What i enjoyed today was reading the article about Time Zone.

Have you read a Time Zone story?

S.A writing

Today we are writing about the site that we were on yesterday and the site can track were you are.

1.So the reason that latitude and longitude is important cause if you can see on the image there is a link to the site that you can go to it and you just type something in like where your house and also were your work or school is.

2.The link that takes you to the site it shows latitude and also it shows longitude and you can also mark were you want to go and also you can play a game with a friend and the game can be you mark somewhere and your friend has to go to the marker and wave at you to see if it is the right place.

3.Also if you go to the forest and you get stuck you can just call a friend to track your phone down or you can take the GPS out and you will see how latitude and longitude works and that how you will get out of the forest quick instead of getting stuck in the forest. this is the link to the site.

What i enjoyed was putting a marker on the photo and my friend going to find it.

What my next steps are is to write more and also describe more about the link and the GPS.

Do you have a GPS?

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Today we are writing a S.A about latitude and longitude.

1. latitude and longitude is imported so if your in the sea sailing you need to yous it to get back to your house but if you don't got a GPS or you don't yous latitude and longitude  you will get lost and not no where to go.

2.latitude is a starting point that can help you to get out of places like your at the beach and your boat gets pushed away to west and you don't have a GPS to help you get out that's why latitude and longitude is imported in your life.

3.latitude and longitude is useful so when you go somewhere it will be like a GPS tracker so if you get stuck some where like in the forest the GPS can help you get out but if you don't have one then your life is there forever.

4.latitude and longitude is a describe position of any point like your home address and your school address and also if you go oversees and you don't know where to go that's why you have a GPS so if you have one you will know where your going and also were your house is or were your cousins house is.

Source:School journal May 2016 Captain Cook Charting our island by Melanie Lovell-Smith

What I enjoyed was writing about latitude and longitude.

What my next steps are is to describe more about latitude and longitude.

Do you use latitude and longitude?

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Cook makes a chart

Today we are learning to find answers to the question to the text. of the thing captain cook does is a running survey.
and also he used longitude and latitude to run the running survey also longitude and latitude are 
imaginary lines that form a grid around our planet.cook also needed latitude and longitude to chart the islands's of new Zealand.

2.latitude and longitude is a thing on the map that shows you were to go and where it is safe to drop the anchor to stop the boat from moving so cook can look at the beach with his 

3.longitude runs vertically from the top of the earth to the bottom of the earth and they divide the world in to segments like an orange meeting the north and the south pole longitude is also based on the earth's rotation through 360 degrees,which happens once every twenty-four hours.  

4.latitude they also have a starting at Greenwich London this is called meridian and also the latitude go's around the earth to the other side 

5.cook also need both latitude and longitude to chart the island of new Zealand and also he needed to mark the landmarks cook would plot these on his chart also these were important for him to do a running survey. 

Source:School journal level  4 May 2016 captain cook charting our island by Melanie Lovell-Smith
What i enjoyed was  learning about what captain cook was doing to our islands before he died.

What my next steps are is to make sure i add the tittle of the story so of people that want to read it they can type it up and read it.

You should go and read the story cause it is good?

Friday, June 19, 2020

Today we were doing a wanted poster.

this is a character poster of what i done and i just blended
the photo and also writing stuff about him.

Source:School Journal level 3 august 2019 Tupaia Master Navigator

What i enjoyed was embedded the photo and writing.
What my next steps is is to describe him more and also make sure i know how to embed the google drawing.
Have you described a person before?


Today we are learning to write about toolkit.

Today we are writing about the toolkit that we done yesterday and also the people that were sharing there screen they were having a hard time cause there was people on the call were bullying people and also they were unmuting the mic when they were not meant to they had to mute cause when the people where sharing other people will not here what they are saying cause how there mic was unmuted and that was in session  1 in season 2 there was a lot of people just sitting there and listening to the people that were talking and also MR margets was on the call and he was tryna tell the presenters to stop but they kept on going and then the next session it was all quiet and there was no one chatting in the messages it was only if they needed to ask a question but when I went and join the kahoot call there was a lot of people talking on the call and also they were chatting and saying stuff that are inappropriate and then MR margets recorded it and also MR vega recorded it and saw all of the chat’s that were going on and also he saw people that were unmuting there mics and saying hi to there cousins and their friends from other schools.

What i enjoyed was learning how to do stuff like kahoot.
What my next steps are is to not to include people in  my story.
Did you do a toolkit?

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Tupaia Master Navigator

Today we read a story about a man that has a lot of roles.

Roles of Tupaia

Tupaia was chosen to train with the ‘arioi and also he was a person that helped to be a guard and also an interpreter and what a interpreter means is a person who 
Translates languages to people and also does sign languages to people that can't hear very well and tupaia was also using his skills as a diplomat and he would also speak on both sides like he speaks that language and then after that he speaks the other language like for an Example he speaks tongan and then he speaks samoan the other thing about his roles was that he could communicate with the indigenous people from  Australia, but the languages were too different that they could know understand what they were talking about.
Source:SJ August 2019 level 3

What i enjoyed was reading the article and also writing down the roles.

What my next steps are is to make sure my sentences make seance.
do you have any roles?

Monday, June 15, 2020

The Endeavour replica drops anchor in Mercury Bay.

sauce: this is the link.

Today we were reading about different kinds of stories.

Today we read stories about the British flag,HMS Endeavour and also Mercury Bay and the story i read was about the mercury bay and what read was that the boat that came they arrived at this Marae place  and there was a Maori that ran and welcomed them of the boat in November 12th 1769 to the Marae that they were standing and waiting and then another boat came from Tauranga and landed and the boat was called waka hourua Hinemoana and it was a white boat with a blue on the inside of the flag and the rest was white even the stars were white and it had black Korus on the sides of the boat.

What i enjoyed was reading and learning about when the boat that Captin cook was in landed.
What my next steps are is to make sure that i don't put down all of the articles only put down the article that i read.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Expectations and Protocols

Today we were listing down things to do in the Marae and things to not do.
Walk backwards when you are to sit down on the seat
Turn your back to the tangata whenua
Girls in the front and boys at the back when entering the marae
Wear shoes in the marae
Walking in to the marae and no one speaking/talking
Be loud and shout
Walk backwards to the benches
To not stand on benches/chairs
You can only do a hongi in the marae once
Do not run around in the Marae just walk

What i enjoyed today was reading the article and also listing the stuff to do and not do.
What my next steps are is to list down more stuff.
Would you list it

Friday, June 5, 2020

Today we are writing a report.

Today I am writing a report of Tivaevae and what I read in the articles was that there is three Tivaevae in cook island and it is called Tivaevae manu Tivaevae tat-aura and Tivaevae ta ore I and there is a word called pang and it is a group of people also the bed sheets that they use is from Tahiti and also if you don’t know what Tivaevae is made for is a haircut ceremony,gift and also for a funeral to cover their coffin.

What I enjoyed was writing a lot of writing and also making my writing the right way I want it so it is not long.
What my next steps are is to make sure my report make's seances and also my writing is also in correct letters.
Have you made a tivaevae?

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Today we were learning how to make a cook island tivaevae.
What I enjoyed today was reading a book about tivaevae and also watching the video about cook island people teaching us how to make it and also how to decorate it like putting flowers on it and also putting different kind of decorations on the tivaevae but one video was a lady talking at the Auckland museum and she said one of the tivaevae is called tivaevae manu and the other one is a Patrick tivaevae and it is called tivaevae tare and also there is another one called tivaevae ore i.

What I enjoyed was writing about the tivaevae and watching the video.
What my next steps are is to read the article correctly and also watch the video until it is finish. 
Watch my next blog and i will teach you how to make one.
Do you know how to make one?